1.3 cun lateral to ➞ Du-15, where the trapezius muscle inserts on the
lower border of the occiput, close to where the major occipital nerve
emerges. | |
the posterior midline, directly below the external occipital
protuberance, in the depression between the origins of the trapezius
muscle. | |
the junction of a line connecting the apices of the ears and the
midline, 5 cun from the anterior or 7 cun from the posterior hairline
respectively. | |
DU-26-Below the nose, on the upper third of the philtrum. Note: shuigou (Water Grave) is an alternative name for this point. | |
DU-27-On the midline, on the margin of the upper lip and the philtrum. | |
the lower border of the occipital bone, in the depression between the
origins of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. | |
G.B.-8-1.5 cun directly superior to the apex of the ear, in a depression on the upper border of the temporalis muscle. | |
the ventral aspect of the wrist joint space (‘most distal wrist
crease’), radial to the insertion of the tendon of the flexor carpi
ulnaris muscle. | |
cun distal to ➞ L.I.-11, on the line connecting ➞ L.I.-5 and ➞L.I.-11,
on the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle; a deeper insertion will
reach the supinator muscle. | |
the elbow flexed, on the lateral end of the elbow crease, in a
depression between the end of the crease and the lateral epicondyle of
the humerus, on the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle. | |
the lateral aspect of the neck, at the level of the laryngeal
prominence, between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (➞
3.2). | |
LI-19-On the maxilla, slightly below the lateral margin of the nostril. | |
the radial aspect of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal
bones, closer to the 2nd metacarpal bone and approximately at its
midpoint. | |
the radial aspect of the forearm, directly above the styloid process
of the radius, approximately 1.5 cun proximal to the wrist joint space
(wrist crease) in a V-shaped groove. | |
Ren-22-0.5 cun superior to the sternum, in the centre of the suprasternal fossa. | |
Ren-23-On the anterior midline, superior to the upper border of the hyoid bone. | |
Ren-24-On the anterior midline, below the lower lip, in the mentolabial groove. | |
SP-6-3 cun proximal to the highest prominence of the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial crest of the tibia. | |
ST-10-On the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the midpoint of a line connecting ➞ ST-9 and ST-11. | |
ST-12-In the supraclavicular fossa, superior to the midpoint of the clavicle, approximately 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline. | |
cun distal to ➞ ST-35 (‘lateral eye of the knee’) and 1 fingerbreadth
lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, on the tibialis anterior
muscle. | |
the patient looking straight ahead, directly below the centre of the
pupil and approximately 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth. | |
ST-5-On the lateral mandible, anterior to the masseter muscle. | |
the teeth clenched, on the highest prominence of the masseter muscle,
approximately one finger-width (middle finger) anterior and superior to
the angle of the jaw. | |
T.B.-17-With the patient’s mouth open, in the depression behind the earlobe, between the mastoid process and the mandible. | |
T.B.-5-2 cun proximal to the dorsal wrist joint space (‘dorsal wrist crease’), between the radius and the ulna. | |