the laterodorsal aspect of the knee, 1 cun superior and lateral to the
centre of the popliteal crease (➞ BL-40), medial to the biceps femoris
muscle, or 1 cun proximal to ➞ BL-39.
BL-40-In the centre of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles.
cun distal and 1 cun lateral to ➞ BL-57 or 7 cun proximal to➞ BL-60,
at the posterior border of the fibula and at the lower border of the
gastrocnemius muscle.
BL-60-In the depression on the line connecting the Achilles tendon and the highest prominence of the lateral malleolus.
1 cun inferior to the highest prominence of the medial malleolus, over
the joint space between the talus and the calcaneus.
the thigh, on a line connecting the lateral patellar border and the
anterior superior iliac spine, 6 cun superior to the upper, lateral
border of the patella.