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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Urinary Bladder Meridian (BL)


These points are described together because of their similar actions and indications.
BL-31 (shangliao) ‘Upper Crevice’, 1st sacral foramen
BL-32 (ciliao) ‘Second Crevice’, 2nd sacral foramen
BL-33 (zhongliao) ‘Middle Crevice’, 3rd sacral foramen
BL-34 (xialiao) ‘Lower Crevice’, 4th sacral foramen

BL-31: Over the 1st sacral foramen
BL-32: Over the 2nd sacral foramen
BL-33: Over the 3rd sacral foramen
BL-34: Over the 4th sacral foramen

How to find
For more detail on orientation in the lumbar and sacral region,
➞3.4.3, 3.4.4. First, locate L5. The next palpable structure in an
inferior direction is the most superior sacral spinous process.
Palpate in a lateral direction on the level of the sacral processes
for the depressions of the sacral foramina. Or: Locate the 4th
sacral foramen on the level of the superior end of the rima ani
(sometimes a bit more superiorly or inferiorly). Place the little
finger on the 4th foramen, then the ring, middle and index fingers
on a slightly V-shaped line in a superior direction, palpating
for the depressions of the sacral foramina. With the fingers in
this position, the index finger will be resting on the 1st foramen
(BL-31), the middle finger on the 2nd foramen (BL-32), the ring
finger on the 3rd foramen (BL-33) and the little finger on the 4th
foramen (BL-34). Located on the same level as BL-31–BL-34
are the points ➞ BL-27–BL-30 on the inner branch of the BL
channel (1.5 cun lateral to the midline) as well as ➞ BL-53 (on
the level of BL-32) and ➞ BL-54 (on the level of BL-34), both
3 cun lateral to the midline. Also on the level of BL-34 is
➞ Ex-B-11 (3.5 cun lateral to the midline).

● Regulates the Lower Burner, promotes urination (all eight
points) (BL-32 and BL-33 have the strongest action in cases
of urinary disorders, while BL-34 has the strongest action in
cases of genital disorders)
● Strengthens the Kidneys and Essence (jing)
● Benefits the Intestines (BL-34 has the strongest action in
cases of intestinal disorders)
● Promotes labour (for example, use BL-32 with electroacupuncture)
● Benefits the lumbar region (BL-32 and BL-33 have the
strongest action)

Special features
According to some authors, meeting point with the G.B. channel.
Clinically, BL-32 is the most commonly used point owing to its
widest range of indications. Electro-acupuncture at BL-32 is
useful for alleviating pain during labour: after needling this
point, bend the handle of the needle in a superior direction at a
90° angle and tape it to the skin. Now attach the electro-stimulation.
This method allows the woman to lie down if desired.
Moxibustion of the baliao is indicated for difficult urination or
defaecation due to Kidney deficiency in elderly people.
Category: Urinary Bladder Meridian (BL) |
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