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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Urinary Bladder Meridian (BL)

Entries in category: 67
Shown entries: 1-50
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0.1 cun superior and medial to the inner canthus of the eye, in a depression.

In a depression at the medial end of the eyebrow, directly above BL-2 Gathered Bamboo ZANZHU -1 BL-2 Gathered Bamboo ZANZHU -1 the inner canthus of the eye.

0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, vertically above the medial canthus of the eye.

0.5 cun superior to the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline (or one third of the distance between ➞ Du-24 and ➞ ST-8).

1 cun superior to the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline or one third of the distance between ➞Du-24 and ➞ST-8.

2.5 cun superior to the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline or one third of the distance between ➞ Du-24 and➞ ST-8.

1.5 cun lateral to the midline and 4 cun superior to the anterior hairline or 1 cun anterior to ➞ Du-20.

1.5 cun lateral to the midline and 5.5 cun superior to the anterior hairline or 0.5 cun posterior to ➞ Du-20.

2.5 cun superior to the posterior hairline and 1.3 cun lateral to the midline or ➞Du-17 (directly superior to the external occipital protuberance).

Approximately 1.3 cun lateral to ➞ Du-15, where the trapezius muscle inserts on the lower border of the occiput, close to where the major occipital nerve emerges.

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra (T1,with hanging shoulders on the level of the acromion).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra (T2).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower  border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra (T3).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra (T4).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra (T5).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra (T6).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra (T7).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra (T9).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra (T10).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra (T11).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra (T12).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra (L1).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra (L2).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd lumbar vertebra (L3).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra (L4).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra (L5).

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the first sacral foramen.

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the second sacral foramen.

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the 3rd sacral foramen.

1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the 4th sacral foramen.

Over the 1st sacral foramen

Over the 2st sacral foramen

Over the 3st sacral foramen

Over the 4st sacral foramen

0.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the tip of the coccyx.

In the gluteal crease, superior to the midpoint of the popliteal crease (➞ BL-40).

6 cun distal to ➞ BL-36 (gluteal crease), on a line connecting ➞ BL-36 and ➞ BL-40 (in the popliteal crease), in a gap in the musculature.

On the laterodorsal aspect of the knee, 1 cun superior and lateral to the centre of the popliteal crease (➞ BL-40), medial to the biceps femoris muscle, or 1 cun proximal to ➞ BL-39.

At the lateral end of the popliteal crease, on the medial side of the tendon of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle, 1 cun lateral to ➞ BL-40 (in the centre of the popliteal crease).

In the centre of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles.

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra (T2).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra (T3).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra (T4).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra (T5).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra (T6).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra (T7).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra (T9).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra (T10).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra (T11).

3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra (T12).

1-50 51-67