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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » San Jiao Meridian (T.B.)


3 cun distal to the lateral extremity of the acromion (location of ➞ T.B.-14), on a line connecting ➞ T.B.-14 and the olecranon, at the junction of this line with the margin of the deltoid muscle.
How to find
First, locate the acromion (➞ 3.3.1). When the patient’s arm is in abduction, two depressions will form inferior to the acromion, in the area of origin of the deltoid muscle. ➞ T.B.-14 is located in the posterior depression, below the dorsal aspect of the lateral extremity of the acromion. Next, locate T.B.-13 3 cun distal to ➞ T.B.-14, on a line connecting ➞ T.B.-14 and the olecranon.
T.B.-13 is located at the junction of this line with the margin of the deltoid muscle, approximately on the level of the end of the posterior axillary fold.
● Opens the channel and the luo-connecting vessels, alleviates pain
● Regulates the Qi flow and transforms Phlegm
Special features
According to some authors, meeting point with the yang wei mai and the G.B. channel
Category: San Jiao Meridian (T.B.) |
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