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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » San Jiao Meridian (T.B.)


At the midpoint of an imaginary line between the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) and the tip of the acromion (lateral extremity of the acromion).
How to find
First, locate C7 and the acromion , which represents the lateral extension of the scapular spine  and, at its most lateral end, forms a flat surface superior to the head of the humerus (acromial angle). Using, for example, the spreading hands technique , determine the midpoint between C7 and the acromial angle. Located at the highest point of the shoulder is ➞G.B.-21. T.B.-15 is located approximately 1 cun inferior to ➞ G.B.-21, on the superior angle of the scapula.
➞ S.I.-13 is located inferior to T.B.-15, directly superior to the medial end of the scapular spine.
● Opens the channel and alleviates pain
● Dispels especially Wind-Damp, unbinds the chest
Special features
Meeting point with the yang wei mai and the G.B. channel
Category: San Jiao Meridian (T.B.) |
Views: 932
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