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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » San Jiao Meridian (T.B.)


With the patient’s mouth open, in the depression behind the earlobe, between the mastoid process and the mandible.
How to find
This point should be located with the patient’s mouth open.
Quick method: When pressing onto the ear lobe, it will touch T.B.-17. Or: Gently fold the earlobe anteriorly. T.B.-17 is located posterior to the lobe, in a pressure-sensitive depression which can be palpated between the mandible and the mastoid process. The tip of the needle will get close to the transverse process of the 1st cervical vertebra (transverse process of the atlas, ➞ 3.1.4), which, below the earlobe, can be palpated as a deep bony structure often sensitive to pressure.
This point should be needled with the patient’s mouth slightly open. Caution: This point is close to the facial nerve, therefore no deep needling. Superior to the transverse process, the vertebral artery curves round posteriorly, therefore strictly needle 0.5–1 cun in an anterior direction.
● Expels (external) Wind, benefits the ears, clears Heat, opens the channel and luo-connecting vessels, alleviates pain
Special features
Meeting point with the G.B. channel. Important local point for disorders of the ears and the temporomandibular joint.
Category: San Jiao Meridian (T.B.) |
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