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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.)


1.5 cun directly superior to the apex of the ear, in a depression on the upper border of the temporalis muscle.
How to find
Locate the apex of the ear, which becomes more clearly defined by folding the auricle towards the anterior so that the posterior part of the upper helix covers its anterior part. From the apex of the ear, measure 1.5 cun (2 fingerbreadths) in a superior direction. There, the palpating finger will glide into a bony depression (G.B.-8) which is often sensitive to pressure. For orientation: When a chewing movement is made, this can just about be felt at this point. ➞ G.B.-9 is located on the same level, 0.5 cun dorsal to G.B.-8.
● Expels Wind, benefits the head and ears, alleviates pain, harmonises the diaphragm and Stomach
Special features
Meeting point with the BL channel. Important local point for parietal and temporal headaches.
Category: Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.) |
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