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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.)


1.5 cun directly superior to the apex of the ear (➞ T.B.-20) and 0.5 cun posterior to ➞G.B.-8. The point is approximately superior to the posterior margin of the ear.
How to find
First, locate ➞ G.B.-8 1.5 cun superior to the apex of the ear. The latter becomes more clearly defined by folding the auricle towards the anterior so that the posterior part of the upper helix covers its anterior part. From ➞ G.B.-8, measure 0.5 cun in a
posterior direction and there locate G.B.-9. Similar to ➞G.B.-8, G.B.-9 is located in a slight ‘dip’ in the bone. Both G.B.-9 and ➞ G.B.-12 (in the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process) are reference points for a curved line that runs approximately parallel to the posterior margin of the ear within the hairline. When dividing this line into thirds, ➞ G.B.-10 and ➞ G.B.-11 are located at the junctions of the thirds.
● Expels Wind and Heat
● Opens the luo-connecting vessels
● Calms the shen
Special features
Meeting point with the BL channel; Window of Heaven point according to some authors.
Category: Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.) |
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