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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.)


At the lower border of the occipital bone, in the depression between the origins of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
How to find
Patient’s position: Prone, sitting or supine (supported by a pillow, so that the occipital region is accessible). Starting at the midline, glide with the palpating finger along the lower border of the occiput, crossing the bulge of the origin of the trapezius muscle, until you reach a depression the size of a finger pad.
Locate G.B.-20 in its centre.
Located on the same level is ➞Du-16. ➞BL-10 is located more medially and inferiorly.
● Eliminates Wind, benefits the head, clears the sensory organs
● Opens the channel
● With tonifying needle technique: strengthens the Marrow and the Brain (according to Maciocia)
Special features
Meeting point with the T.B. channel*, yang wei mai, yang qiao mai. Major point for all ‘Wind disorders’, very important point for disorders of the head and eyes.
Category: Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.) |
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