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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.)


At the highest point of the shoulder, at the midpoint of a line connecting the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) and the lateral extremity of the acromion.
How to find
First, locate C7 (➞ 3.4.1) and the lateral extremity of the acromion (➞ 3.3.1). Next, locate G.B.-21 at the midpoint of a line connecting these two reference points, on the highest point of the trapezius muscle on the sagittal plane.
➞T.B.-15 is located 1 cun inferior to G.B.-21, midway between G.B.-21 and ➞ S.I.-13 (medial to the supraspinous fossa).
● Opens the channel
● Descends the Qi
● Regulates the Qi flow, transforms Phlegm, dissipates nodules
● Promotes labour, benefits the breasts
Special features
Meeting point with the yang wei mai and the T.B. and ST* channels. Important local point. Trigger point for the shoulder with a distal effect on the Uterus.
Category: Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.) |
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