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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.)


On the midaxillary line, with the arm abducted approximately 3 cun inferior to the apex of the axilla, in the 4th intercostal space (according to some authors, in the 5th intercostal space).
How to find
With the patient’s arm slightly abducted, locate the apex of the axilla. Locate G.B.-22 3 cun inferior to it in the 4th intercostal space. For orientation: In men, the nipple is located in the 4th intercostal space; in women, in a supine position, its location may vary. Therefore, in women, the manubriosternal synchondrosis (➞ 3.5) is a more reliable reference point for the costal region.
Note: The intercostal space curves in a superior direction towards lateral.
Also located on the level of or in the 4th intercostal space, but more medially, are ➞ Ren-17/KID-23/ST-17/P-1/SP- 18/G.B.-23 (on the midline/2 cun lateral to the midline/in the centre of the nipple or 4 cun lateral to the midline/1 cun lateral to the nipple or 5 cun lateral to the midline/6 cun lateral to the midline/1 cun anterior to G.B.-22).
● Regulates the Qi in the Upper Burner
● Opens the luo-connecting vessels of the axilla
Category: Gall Bladder Meridian (G.B.) |
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