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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Liver Meridian (LIV)


In the 6th intercostal space, on the mamillary line or 4 cun lateral to the midline.
How to find
Quick method, especially in men: The nipple is generally located on the level of the 4th intercostal space. From there, palpate downward 2 intercostal spaces and locate LIV-14 in the 6th intercostal space. Or: For more precise orientation on the ribcage (➞ 3.5), palpate for the manubriosternal synchondrosis, a well-defined horizontal bony structure on the sternum. Lateral to it, locate the 2nd rib and below it the 2nd intercostal space.
From there, count downward 4 intercostal spaces to the 6th intercostal space and there locate LIV-14 on the mamillary line (4 cun lateral to the midline).
➞G.B.-24 is located in the 7th intercostal space. Located on the same level (2 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle ➞ 3.5) are ➞ Ren-14 (on the midline), ➞ KID-21 (0.5 cun lateral to the midline) and ➞ ST-19 (2 cun lateral to the midline).
Special features
Front-mu point of the Liver, meeting point with the yin wei mai and the Spleen channel, exit point.
Category: Liver Meridian (LIV) |
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