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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Large Intestine Meridian (LI)


With the thumb abducted, in a depression between the tendons of the extensor pollicis longus and brevis muscles (‘anatomical snuffbox’), on the radial aspect of the wrist.
How to find
The anatomical snuffbox is a depression on the radial aspect of the wrist formed when abducting the thumb. Holding the hand in a horizontal position, it opens towards the body. L.I.-5 is located on the wrist joint space, which becomes palpable by moving the wrist. ➞LU-9 is also located on the wrist joint space and can be found by moving anteriorly from L.I.-5 across the short tendon of the extensor pollicis muscle.
● Supports the wrist joint
● Clears Fire and expels Wind
● Clears Fire from the yangming (L.I., ST) and calms the shen
Special features
Jing-river point, Fire point. Important local point for disorders of the wrist, together with T.B.-4, S.I.-5, HE-7, P-7 and LU-9.
Category: Large Intestine Meridian (LI) |
Views: 919
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