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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Large Intestine Meridian (LI)


On the lateral aspect of the upper arm, on a line connecting ➞ L.I.-11 and ➞ L.I.-15, 7 cun proximal to ➞ L.I.-11 and slightly superior to the pointed insertion of the deltoid muscle.
How to find
This point is best located with the elbow flexed and the deltoid muscle flexed against resistance, making the lateral border of the muscle belly more visible. L.I.-14 is located in a depression on the lower pointed insertion area of the deltoid. ‘By moving the upper arm towards the tip of the nose, the patient will touch the approximate location of this point.’ For orientation: This point lies approximately 2 cun inferior to the anterior end of the axillary fold (➞ 2.2).
● Opens the channel and luo vessels, alleviates pain
● Benefits the eyes
Category: Large Intestine Meridian (LI) |
Views: 1074
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