Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Stomach Meridian (ST) |
Location At the midpoint of the line joining ➞ ST-35 and ➞ ST-41 and 1 fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. How to find Quick method: Spreading-hands technique (➞ 2.3.3): place the small fingers on ➞ST-35 (‘lateral eye of the knee’, level with the knee joint space) and ➞ST-41 (in the depression between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and the hallucis longus, level with the highest prominence of the lateral malleolus) and determine the midpoint of this line, using the thumbs. ST-38 is located in a depression 1 fingerbreadth (middle fingerbreadth, measured from the anterior crest of the tibia) lateral to the midpoint. ST-38 may be palpated ‘dynamically’ (according to pressure sensitivity). Or: From ➞ST-35, measure 8 cun (➞2 handbreadths and 3 fingerbreadths) distally and 1 fingerbreadth laterally. Located on the same level are ➞ ST-40 (1 fingerbreadth more laterally) and ➞ BL-57 (dorsal aspect of the lower leg, on the midpoint of the line joining ➞ BL-40 and ➞ BL-60). Needling Vertically or obliquely 1–1.5 cun Actions/Indications ● Expels Wind-Damp, opens the channel, alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder Special features Very effective distal point for disorders of the shoulder. For limited range of motion of the shoulder joint: apply strong reducing needling techniques while the patient moves their shoulder joint. | |
Category: Stomach Meridian (ST) | | |
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