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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Spleen Meridian (SP)



3 cun distal to the junction of the shaft and the medial condyle of the tibia (➞ SP-9), at the posterior border of the medial crest of the tibia.
How to find
Measure 1 handbreadth directly inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia (➞SP-9). SP-8 is located 3 cun distal to ➞SP-9 on the posterior border of the medial crest of the tibia, on a line connecting
➞ SP-9 and the highest prominence of the medial malleolus.
● Regulates the uterus and the Blood
● Regulates the Spleen and eliminates Dampness
Special features
Xi-cleft point. Important point for acute dysmenorrhoea, often used in combination with ➞ L.I.-4.
Category: Spleen Meridian (SP) |
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