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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Spleen Meridian (SP)


3 cun above the centre of the umbilicus and 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, on the mamillary line.
How to find
The distance between the sternocostal angle and the centre of the umbilicus can be divided into 8 proportional cun, which can differ considerably from the patient’s finger cun; therefore, only proportional cun measurements should be applied (elastic tape ➞ 2.3.1). First, measure 3 cun from the umbilicus in a superior direction, then 4 cun in a lateral direction, where SP-16 is located on the mamillary line. Depending on the shape of the thorax, this point will either be located on the abdomen or it will project onto the lower border of the ribcage.
Located on the same level are ➞ Ren-11 (anterior midline), ➞KID-18 (0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline) and ➞ST-22 (2 cun lateral to the anterior midline).
● Regulates Qi in the Intestines
● Drains Dampness
Special features
Meeting point with the yin wei mai
Category: Spleen Meridian (SP) |
Views: 1232
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