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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Heart Meridian (HE)


With the elbow flexed, this point is in a depression between the ulnar end of the transverse cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
How to find
This point should be located with the elbow slightly flexed and the forearm in a supinated position. Find the ulnar end of the transverse cubital crease and palpate towards the medial epicondyle of the humerus (➞ 3.2.2). HE-3 is located in a depression approximately midway between ➞ P-3 and the medial epicondyle. Or: With the elbow fully flexed, HE-3 is located directly at the medial end of the transverse crease.
Located on the same level are ➞ P-3 (ulnar to the tendon of the biceps muscle), ➞LU-5 (radial to the tendon of the biceps muscle) and ➞ L.I.-11 (at the radial end of the crease).
● Transforms Phlegm, clears Heat (from the heart), calms the shen
● Opens the channel and luo-vessels
Special features
He-sea point, Water point. Important local point, important calming point.
Category: Heart Meridian (HE) |
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