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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Small Intestine Meridian (SI)


On the ulnar aspect of the wrist, at the level of the lateral joint space.
How to find
By moving the wrist in a relaxed way, the wrist joint space can be palpated on the ulnar side. S.I.-5 is located directly distal to the styloid process of the ulna (➞3.3.3), on a line running along the ulnar border of the hand and continuing to the wrist. Located on the same line and distal to the prominence of the pisiform bone is ➞ S.I.-4.
● Clears Heat and reduces swellings
Special features
Jing-river point, Fire point, ben point (Five Phases point).
Category: Small Intestine Meridian (SI) |
Views: 1096
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