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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Small Intestine Meridian (SI)


Directly above ➞ S.I.-11, in the centre of the supraspinous fossa.
How to find
Patient’s position: Prone position or better seated with relaxed shoulders. First, locate ➞ S.I.-11 (one third of the distance between the midpoint of the scapular spine and the inferior angle of the scapula). S.I.-12 is located directly above ➞S.I.-11 in the centre of the supraspinous fossa.
● Eliminates Wind, benefits the shoulder and scapula, opens the channel and the luo vessels
Special features
Meeting point with the Gall Bladder, Triple Burner and Large Intestine channels. S.I.-12 is often a trigger point in the supraspinatus muscle.
Category: Small Intestine Meridian (SI) |
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