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Main » Articles » Acupuncture Points » Du Vessel (DU)


On the midline, below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra (T11).
How to find
Locate T7 (➞ 3.4.2) and, from there, count down 4 spinous processes to T11. Locate Du-6 on the midline, below its spinous process. Or: Use the Tuffier’s line for reference (➞ 3.4.3).
Locate T11 by counting up 5 spinous processes from L4 and there locate Du-6 on the midline, below the spinous process.
Located on the same level are a point of ➞ Ex-B-2/BL-20/BL-49 (0.5/1.5/3 cun lateral to the midline).
● Strengthens the Spleen and its function of transforming Dampness
● Benefits the spine
Category: Du Vessel (DU) |
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